This station was designed by Cleveland architect J. Milton Dyer and built in 1940. It was designed to resemble a lake vessel and create the experience of being on board a ship. The United States Coast Guard was stationed here for over 30 years when they left in 1976 and moved to the East 9th street pier.
The coast guard left for three reasons: poor access to the island, no connection to municipal sewage treatment facilities, and the fact that water lines ran through exposed pipes along the side of the pier. If they turned the water off in the winter, the pipes would freeze.
In the 1984 a disco/night club and bar occupied the building, but due to it’s location at the end of a federally owned pier and on the tip of privately owned land, customers arrived at the club by water taxi.
The remoteness was part of its charm, but also its downfall. The Island, as it was called, was removed from the foot traffic and excitement of the other clubs, and not enough people were willing to take the ferry trip. The water and sewer issues also remained a problem and The Island closed after one season of operation.
There are talks of making the station into a park-related facility or the end of the towpath for the Ohio and Erie Canal towpath. It is currently under renovations.
Mike C.
It lays handcuffed now by both the city and “investors” who didn’t realize all they were getting into. Truly a shame. A current active duty 10 yr veteran of the Coast Guard and Cleveland native, it breaks my heart to see it go into such dilapidation. I have personally been inside (ignoring the warning signs) while pursuing a reported case. It’s an awesome base. I truly hope someone restores it. If my government check would meet the mark, I would have done it long ago!
anthony cummings
I really love this place myself. I really do. I’m 23 years of age and I just witnessed this site of the Cleveland coast guard station about a year ago, it amazed me so quickly as an abandoned place that was in service way before my born time of January 1, 1991. As I looked and looked at this building of history I feel in love I pictured so much that can happen and be repaired to this peace of history part of my home town Cleveland Ohio. I’m glad to see someone (veteran of Cleveland coast guard) is feeling the same exact way about the Cleveland coast guard station as much as me. Thank you (Cleveland Ohio)
Anthony Cummings
my comment is to found out how can i buy this old history of cleveland (the cleveland coast guard station and how much would this property would cost?
I don’t think it’s available for sale now. Last time I was there they were working on the building and surrounding area. I have been hearing that the building is going to be used as the end of the towpath that runs though the valley.